
2025年1月2414:44:16发布者:嘉人 36 views 举报



1.He realized that it was difficult to_____ on this infe rtile land any longer.

A. inhibit B.inhabit C.gather D.retreat

1. 他意识到很难再在这片贫瘠的土地上 ______ 了。

A. 抑制 B. 居住 C. 聚集 D. 撤退

2.Somehow she rose over her excitement, though, and concentrated all she could on the


A. with hand B. before hand C. off hand D. at hand

2. 然而,不知怎么的,她克服了自己的兴奋, ______ 把所有的精力都集中在这项工作上。

A. 用手 B. 用手前 C. 不用手 D. 用手

3.Recently a number of voluntary initiatives have sought to______ a sense of belonging to the

community on the part of young people.

A.make B.form C.take D.foster

3. 最近,一些志愿倡议试图 ______ 青年人对社区的归属感。

A. 制作 B. 形式 C. 采取 D. 培养

4.On the physical level, massage aids the elimination of______wastes (often the cause of muscle

aches and pains) by stimulating blood circulation.

A.excessive B.poisonous C.toxic D.deadly

4. 在物理层面上,按摩通过刺激血液循环来帮助消除 ______ 废物(通常是肌肉疼痛的原

因)。 A. 过量 B. 有毒 C. 有毒 D. 致命

5.This chapter cannot claim to clear up the confusing______of approaches but it will offer some


A. array B. ray C. chain D. variety

5. 这一章不能声称澄清了方法的混乱的 ______ ,但它将提供一些指导。

A. 阵列 B. 射线 C. D. 品种

6.Among young people, women seem to be more______to the illness than men.

A.prone B.possible C.likely D.common

6. 在年轻人中,妇女似乎比男子对这种疾病的 ______ 更大。

A. 倾向 B. 可能 C. 可能 D. 常见

7.My advice to Mr. Stewart is to think carefully before ent ering into a career in medicine, as this

is a fheld which requires a lot of_______and long working hours.

A idiot B inhabitant C dedication D condition

7. 我给斯图尔特先生的建议是在从事医学工作之前要三思而行,因为这是一项需要大量 ___

___ 和长时间工作的工作。 A 笨蛋 B 居民 C 专用条件 D 情况

8.The company failed to_____reputation for its illegal business activity.

A.close to B.live up to C.keep up with D.catch up to

8. 该公司未能因其非法商业活动而 ___ 声誉。

A. 接近 B. 不辜负 C. 跟上 D. 赶上

9.Jack is so____his clothes pressed to his appearance that he never has

A. adverse B. anonymous C. indifferent D. casual

9. 杰克的衣服 ___ 了,从来没有像现在这样合身。

A. 不利 B. 匿名 C. 冷漠 D. 随意

10. Of course, most immigrants did not get rich overnight, but the______of them were eventually

able to improve upon their former standard of living.

A. maximum B.minority C.majority D.minimum

10. 当然,大多数移民并不是一夜暴富的,但他们 ______ 人的生活水平最终还是提高了。

A. 最大量 B. 少数 C. 多数 D. 最小量

11.It is fortunate for the old couple that their son's career goals and their wishes for him


A. coincide B.comply C.conform D.collaborate

11. 对这对老夫妇来说,儿子的事业目标和他们对他的祝愿是幸运的 ___

A. 一致 B. 遵守 C. 一致 D. 协作

12.The vast majority of people in any given culture will____to the established standards of that


A.confine B.conform C.confront D.confirm

12. 任何特定文化中的绝大多数人都会对该文化的既定标准 ___

A. 限制 B. 符合 C. 对抗 D.

13.Now, please open your mouth and_____the number with me from five.

A.count down B.put down C.take down D.let down

13. 现在, 请张开嘴 ,和我一 把数 _____

A. B. 放下 C. 拿下 D. 失望

14.If a policy does not ____with a society's values,the likeli hood of success diminishes

A. combine B. cohere C. coincide D. confirm

14. 如果 一项 政策 不能 _____ 社会的 价值观 成功 的可能 性就 降低

A. 合并 B. 合并 C. D.

15.There is a standard method____ officers are selected promotion.

A. that B. where C. in that D. whereby

15. ___ 选拔 晋升 有一 标准的方法。

A. B. 其中 C. D. 其中

16.One expert in psychology believes that people like job mainly because they need other people

— to chat with, to_____with, and to build relationships with.

A.hang up B.hang in C.hang out D.hang onto

16. 位心 理学专 家认 为,人们 喜欢 工作, 要是因为他们需要 他人 聊天 ___ 立关

A. 挂起 B. 挂起 C. 挂起 D. 挂起

17.Members of society tend to cooperate______the goals they share.

A.in reward of B.in view of C.in light of D.in pursuit of

17. 社会 成员 倾向 合作, ______ 他们 共同 的目标。

A. 作为 ... 报酬 B. 鉴于 C. 鉴于 D. 追求

18.A nationalis_____someone who, by the mere mentionof his name, will remind people of his


A. icon B. cowboy C. pedestrian D. senator

18. ___ 这样的人, 要提到他的名 ,人们 想起 他的 国家

A. 图标 B. 牛仔 C. 行人 D.

19.Let us be exact in what we say so as to______any possibility of misunderstanding.

A. alleviate B. proclaim C. preclude D. reply

19. 我们把 准确 无误 以便 ____ 任何 误解 的可能 A. B. 宣告 C. D. 答复

20.When he is confronted with a_____he usually makes an arbitrary decision by throwing a coin.

A paradox B prejudice C dilemma D conflict

20. 当他 ___ 时,他通常通过 掷硬币 来作 出武断 定。 A 悖论 B D 矛盾 D 冲突

21.The company may be reluctant to______too far from the basic terms of this agreement, but

there are a number of things that are negotiable.

A. deviate B. disconnect C. detach D. distract

21. 公司可能不愿意 ______ 与本 协议的 基本 款相去甚远 ,但有 多事情是可 协商的。

A. 偏离 B. 断开 C. 分离 D. 分散

22.The author was_______by the audience's lack of interest.

A.dismayed B.impressed C.dreaded D.encouraged

22. 者被观众 缺乏 ______ A. 沮丧 B. 感动 C. 害怕 D. 鼓励

23. Professor Hawking is_______as one of the world's greatest living physicists.

A. dignified B. clarified C. acknowledged D. illustrated

23. 霍金教授 ______ 是当 今世界 上最 大的物理学 之一。

A. 庄严 B. 澄清 C. 承认 D.

24.In spite of the______economic forecasts, manufacturing output has risen slightly.

A.feeble B.obscure C.bleak D.shadowy

24. 尽管经济预测 ______ ,但制 产出仍略 有上

A. B. 模糊 C. 暗淡 D. 朦胧

25.Her_____was rarely wrong where such things were concerned, but there was always the off


A. institution B.tuition C.instruction D. intuition

25. 她的 ___ 在这 事情上很少 出错 ,但 然的 会。
