2024 秋新沪教版七年级英上册
第 1 单元【 Friendship 】知识点总结
一、 重点单词
basic / ˈ be ɪ s ɪ k/ adj. 基本的;基础的
- 例句: This is a basic course for beginners. 这是为初
glad /ɡlæd/ adj. 高兴的;愉快的
- 例句: I'm glad to hear that you're doing well. 听到
rise /ra ɪ z/ v. 上升
- 例句: The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。
end /end/ n. 结局
- 例句: The end of the story was happy. 故事的结局很
大圆满结局更加通用的说法是“ an happy ending”.
heart /hɑ ː t/ n. 心
- 例句: He gave her a hug with all his heart. 他全心全
improve / ɪ m ˈ pru ː v/ v. 改进;改善
- 例句: Her English has improved a lot. 她的英语进步了
improvement / ɪ m ˈ pru ː vm ə nt/ n. 改进;改善
- 例 句 : The company has made significant
improvements in its service. 公司在服务方面取得了显著的改进。
confident / ˈ k ɒ nf ɪ d ə nt/ adj. 自信的;有自信心的
- 例句: She is confident about her future. 她对自己的
courage / ˈ k ʌ r ɪ d ʒ / n. 勇气;胆量
- 例 句 : He showed great courage in facing the
danger. 他在面对危险时表现出了巨大的勇气。
encourage / ɪ n ˈ k ʌ r ɪ d ʒ / v. 鼓励
- 例句: The teacher encouraged us to try again. 老师
friendship / ˈ frend ʃɪ p/ n. 友谊;朋友关系
- 例句: Their friendship has lasted for many years.
admiration / ˌ ædm əˈ re ɪʃ ( ə )n/ n. 钦佩;赞赏
- 例句: He received admiration from his peers for his
work. 他的工作得到了同行的钦佩。
respect /r ɪˈ spekt/ n. 尊敬;尊重
- 例句: We should show respect to our elders. 我们应
support /s əˈ p ɔ ː t/ n. 支持;鼓励
- 例 句 : She gave me a lot of support during the
difficult time. 在那段困难的日子里,她给了我很多支持。
trust /tr ʌ st/ n. 信任;信赖
- 例句: I have complete trust in her abilities. 我完全
survey / ˈ s ɜ ː ve ɪ / n. 调查
- 例 句 : The company conducted a survey to
understand customer needs. 公司进行了一项调查以了解客户
quality / ˈ kw ɒ l ə ti/ n. 品质;品德
- 例句: The quality of the product is excellent. 这个产
appearance / əˈ p ɪə r ə ns/ n. 外貌
- 例句: Her appearance has changed a lot since she
lost weight. 她减肥后外貌变化很大。
caring / ˈ ke ə r ɪ ŋ / adj. 关心他人的;体贴人的
- 例句: He is a caring person who always thinks of
others. 他是一个体贴的人,总是想着别人。
describe /d ɪˈ skra ɪ b/ v. 描述;形容
- 例句: He described the scene in great detail. 他非
personal / ˈ p ɜ ː s ə n( ə )l/ adj. 个性的
- 例句: This is a very personal decision for her. 这对
thought /θ ɔ ː t/ n. 想法
- 例句: I have a thought that we should change our
plan. 我有个想法,我们应该改变计划。
straight /stre ɪ t/ adj. 直的; adv. 笔直地;径直
- 例句( adj. ): She has straight hair. 她的头发很直。
- 例句( adv. ): Go straight ahead and you'll see the
park. 一直往前走,你就会看到公园。
dark /dɑ ː k/ adj. 褐色的;乌黑的
- 例句: She has dark hair and eyes. 她有一头黑发和一
same /se ɪ m/ adj. 同一的;相同的
- 例句: We have the same interests. 我们有相同的兴趣。
guitar /ɡ ɪˈ tɑ ː (r)/ n. 吉他
- 例句: He can play the guitar very well. 他吉他弹得很
honest / ˈɒ n ɪ st/ adj. 诚实的
- 例句: She is an honest girl. 她是一个诚实的女孩。
patient / ˈ pe ɪʃ ( ə )nt/ adj. 有耐心的; n. 病人
- 例句( adj. ): He is very patient with children. 他对
- 例句( n. ): The doctor is seeing a patient now. 医生
patience / ˈ pe ɪʃə ns/ n. 耐心
- 例句: You need patience to learn a new skill. 学习新
impatient / ɪ m ˈ pe ɪʃ nt/ adj. 没有耐心的
- 例 句 : He is always impatient when waiting for
others. 他等别人的时候总是没有耐心。
straight /stre ɪ t/
- adj. 直的
- 例句: The road ahead is straight, so you won't
need to turn. (前面的路是直的,所以你不需要转弯。)